There Is A Man In The Kingdom

“Now the wise men, astrologers, have been brought in before me, that they should read this writing and make known to me its interpretation, but they could not give interpretation of the thing. And I have heard of you, that you can give interpretation and explain enigmas. Now if you can read the writing and make known to me its interpretation, you shall be clothed with purple and have a chain of gold around your neck, and shall be the third ruler in the kingdom. (Daniel 5:15-16)


There are important seasons in the life of every individual, some pleasurable, others traumatic. The Church (which we are) has reached a significant season of reshaping, remaking, re-evaluation and re-purging by God, for her to attain her glorious future.


He is doing these works by taking us through experiences and life encounters; so that what has been planted in us can make us shine. God in His wisdom is silently and intelligently investing divine qualities in His choice souls. He is building inside of them the fruit of the spirit, and releasing to them the gifts of the spirit.


Just as Elijah said: “I can hear the sound of the abundance of rain” so can I hear the outpouring in the spirit realm over the church. God is about to break out with His favour, goodness and kindness upon our lives.


For God to accomplish these things, He orchestrates crises so that He can elevate His choice souls. In Haggai, God says He will shake the heavens and the earth once again. This is meant for separation; to cause that which was not established by Him to fall apart and it is only that which He Himself has established upon His foundation will stand sure.


Please note that this shaking has begun. Isaiah says that in the midst of these shakings, wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of our times (Isaiah 33:6). It is in the time of crisis, confusion, desperation and much worry that people search for men and women who are above such prevailing situations and who can give accurate directions and solutions.


Belshazzar had completely forgotten that Daniel existed, though it was right in his presence that Nebuchadnezzar raised Daniel to the position he occupied. But Belshazzar came in with his own young “lords”, who partied and made merry daily. He had no clue about the things that were planted in Daniel.


We must develop ourselves in the fullness of Christ, so that problems, enigmas and riddles in life are solved by God through us. At the time of full development where people will look out for faults in us, they will not find any, and then we will become perfect instruments in God’s hands to reveal His strength to humanity.


The ability to interpret dreams was what Daniel used in the case of Belshazzar. He outshone everyone – who lived in the darkness. Remember that the whole creation is still waiting for those who will manifest the nature and character of the Son of God unrestricted and unhindered; those who will indeed be called the sons of God. Men and women in the kingdom who have the capacity to display the wisdom that is way beyond what any magician or astrologer could access or display are these sons of God.


The crises that would be experienced in our days are not going to be caused by the devil but God Himself so that only those who know Him will find solutions to the situations. If it was the hands of ‘governmental watchers’ that wrote on the wall then it would require the understanding of the saints to interpret it.


We do not know what we have inside of us until we are in the midst of crises. When others are afraid because it is getting darker, then our light will begin to shine more and more from our inside. Clarity will increase in us as confusion overwhelms others. Belshazzar for a long time had ignored Daniel but now in need of him.


The future is for those who are prepared for it. Therefore, we must position ourselves accurately for God to manifest Himself through us. That is why the prophets are training us to be prophetic, and the apostles are building us up in wisdom and strength so that we can have the capacity to execute prophetic utterances that were uttered a long time ago.


At the end of the day, Daniel was adorned with glory and honour. So shall we be exalted as kings upon the earth. We must understand that Daniel did not attain his position in a single day, but went through training. He did not waste his time blaming his fathers for causing them to be captured as slaves. Let the past be past. We have a great future ahead of us if we can do the right thing in the present.


Time came when he was to be defiled, but Daniel refused. Their language was to be changed to that of Babylon but they knew the language of the kingdom. They tried to change their names so that their character and behavioural patterns could be altered, but Daniel (and his friends) knew better. Babylon tried to change their diet so that at least they would become vulnerable to their demonic, lustful spirits but they were not influenced. Because of this, God was so pleased that He gave them the seven-fold dimension of the Spirit of God.


I f we allow ourselves to go through the process that leads to the position from which Daniel functioned, God will also take us there. This is where we will operate in the seven-fold dimension of His Spirit. We will be uncommon, remarkable, outstanding and unusual; because what the world currently needs are people with this lifestyle.


This is an excerpt from the book, Daniel: A Pattern For The End Time Church (Part 2) by Paul Seyi-Ogedengbe, Pastor of the Lord Reigns Ministry based in Lagos, Nigeria and the West Africa Coordinator and member of the Apostolic Team of Congress WBN. Used with permission.

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature...

2 Cor.5:17