Christian Community Growing In Iran Amidst Repression

Despite facing severe persecution, Christianity is experiencing unprecedented growth in Iran, with many Iranians turning away from Islam and embracing the Christian faith. According to estimates, the number of Christians in Iran has grown from a mere 500 in 1979 to hundreds of thousands today. This phenomenon has been observed across various demographics, including young … Continue reading Christian Community Growing In Iran Amidst Repression

Are Young People Leaving Church?

A concerning trend has been observed in recent years – young people are leaving some churches in droves. The phenomenon has sparked discussions and debate among Christian communities both in Nigeria and around the worldwide. But where are they going, and why? Kingdom Times went to town to seek the views of Christians, especially young … Continue reading Are Young People Leaving Church?

Israel At War: A Prophetic Perspective

There is no doubt that the dispute between Israel and the Arab world, which manifests time and again in violent conflicts between the nation of Israel and nations such as Syria, Iran or terror organisations such as Hezbollah or Hamas, is probably the most knotty international dispute that the United Nations has ever had to deal with

Israel And The 2020 Historic Peace Deal

People in most parts of the world stood at attention with eyes glued to television networks watching events as they unfolded in Washington on…

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature...

2 Cor.5:17